My porch is farmhouse style (low to ground, no railing), and fairly narrow. The (metal) roof is exactly as deep as the deck. One annoyance that I have is that when it rains, the water coming off the roof's drip edge often is driven back towards the porch and splashes on the edge of the deck.
I'm planning on replacing the deck boards soon, and was considering leaving the new boards an inch or two shorter to help minimize the splashing. However, since the porch is fairly narrow as it is, it's not my favorite idea. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for solving my problem. One thought I had was using some sort of extended drip edge or flashing to extend the actual drip line away from the house... but what type of flashing should this be? Would it have to just be custom bent from a piece of flat flashing?
Two notes:
I live in the land of heavy snows, so this needs to be a solution that can accommodate deep snow sliding off the roof (so either very rigid, or very flexible)
there are several inches of fascia underneath the drip edge (~6" of or so)
I would like to avoid gutters if at all possible - I have no drainage issues otherwise.
I'm interested in keeping the current porch deck design as is.