1976 home, it had pipes routed through the empty space below/behind the 1-piece shower.

I’ve ripped it out but the 45° joint on the sewer vent pipe is an inch or two too tall to fit any new alcove tub heights.

Can I lower the height of the 2 45° joints bumping out over the stud? I just need it lower to fit in the negative area of an average tub.

I’ve drawn a ‘diagram’ of what seems to be ideal for the measurements I’ve taken, would it be safe to do?
Blue = Current
Red = Potential relocation of joint.

enter image description here

  • 1
    I can not think of a reason why you cannot lower that. If it is only a vent you can use 90 deg elbows as well.
    – RMDman
    Commented Jun 8 at 11:12


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