Can an appropriately sized mini split handle 6 Air changes per hour?
Our current gas boiler and air handler are failing and so we are looking into replacing the system.
We have had a few heating/plumbing companies out to provide bids and options and multiple have suggested mini splits given our existing system and the improvements we'd like: A/C and multiple zones.
However, we had a home heating efficiency person come evaluate the house, as it is required to get local rebates, and they said mini splits would not work. They said because our house is at 6 ACH the mini splits would be using a ton of electricity and would not really work to keep the house warm and we would need to supplement them some how. For reference we're in Colorado so can expect below freezing lows through much of the winter, but highs in the 50s.
I have been trying to research the capacity/effectiveness of mini splits for this ACH but haven't found anything helpful.
Thanks in advance for any help.