I've seen the other threads on here warning against venting a bathroom fan to a soffit: People warn against the moist air heading right back up the surrounding soffit vents and into the attic (especially in a colder climate like mine--Wisconsin). My plan to counteract this is to install non-vented soffit for a few feet on both sides of the bathroom soffit vent.
So now instead of being overly worried about moist warm air entering my attic via the vented soffit, I'm now worried that the 5 feet of venting that I'm choking off will result in decreased ventilation for my attic.
Can those who recommend against venting a bathroom fan to the soffit agree that, at the very least, my method of sealing off the soffit venting around the bathroom soffit vent is an improvement?
By the way, this is the vent I'm planning to go with