For DIY context: I recently got a heat pump installed; I know many things are not optimal (e.g. ductwork) and I am scoping what I want to fix/improve myself.
All offers I got for variable speed heat pumps required a proprietary thermostat (e.g., Mitsubishi). It seems this is generally required for variable speed systems, as described here for example:
[...] while thermostats that accommodate variable-capacity systems must be communicating.
Question 1: I do not understand why this is must be the case. Can't the control electronic of the heat pump / air handler set compressor speed and airhandler blower speed itself, based on criteria such flow rate etc.?
Question 2: My system (Carrier Performance) was sold to me as variable speed system. Indeed, the datasheet of the heat pump as well as the description of the air handler both state they are variable speed:
• Variable speed compressor
The 40MBAB multi-poise air handler has a variable-speed ECM motor that synchronizes with the Carrier single-zone ductless heat pump models 38MARB , 38MBRC sizes
The manual explicitly lists "conventional thermostat support" and I got an EcoBee Lite thermostat installed. Why does this work, despite seemingly being a variable speed system?
Question 3: Does my Carrier Performance with the EcoBee Lite perform sub-optimal? In other words, does it not reach its full performance because it is not communicating? If yes, what is the best way to improve this? Using the thermostat that came with the air handler?