The front of my house has an overhang extension of the roof, held up by three posts. The bottom of these posts are getting worn out, and overall the paint needs a fresh coat. The worst post (with green at the bottom and rougher texture) is still solid to the touch, only the slightest bit softer than the rest of the posts.
Hoping I can repaint these to keep them in use, I'm wondering about removing the old coat of paint. My main question is, how do I know if this is lead paint, and does it matter? I planned to put tarps over the shrubs and then scrape any loose paint off the beams until any remaining paint won't come off easily, then dump the tarp and sweep/vacuum chips left on the ground. Then I'd put some rags down and apply a few coats of milk-based paint and tung oil.
The home was built in the 60s, largely DIY'd by first owner, in the northeast US. Sorry if this is a silly question, I know very little about paint and go to great lengths to avoid pollution.