I live next to a condo complex, and just received a letter informing me that they're going to tear down their fence and replace it with a chain link fence - a "more maintenance free and up to date concept". The fence is entirely on their property (set back a foot or so), so there's no question that they can do this - and they're being good neighbours by letting me know! I don't have a fence on my property adjacent to theirs, so the only fence is going to be their new chain link fence.
I'd rather not have just a chain link fence, so what I'd like to do is ask the condo board whether I can take a few sections of the fence that they're demolishing and move it into my yard. The fence is in decent shape, though it's obviously a number of years old. I would guess it's got at least 5 good years left in it without major maintenance.
If they allow me to move the fence, what's the best way to do it? I certainly can't manage to move the entire fence in one piece - do I just disassemble it and have a collection of posts, panels, and top boards and then reassemble it at my leisure? Is it feasible to do alone, or will I need help?
Perhaps most important of all: Is asking for the fence a good idea, or would it be smarter to just build a new fence of my own?
Is asking for the fence a good idea?
is a question that is not allowed here because it asks for an opinion ... everybody's answer would be correct