Edit: As it turns out, my soffit vents are decorative only. I pried open the soffit in 2 different areas, and there is continuous solid wood behind it. How is the attic getting ventilated then?
Because I am rewiring my house, I had a contractor remove insulation from the attic. The contractor mostly left the insulation intact in the soffit areas. I am trying to establish two things:
Does my roof have soffit ventilation? If so, why were the batts stuffed all the way inside the soffit?
Do I need to install soffit baffles? The clearance is extremely limited. In fact, I cannot do it from inside the attic. I could not even insert the baffle in the cavity, much less put it in its place.
Pictures with descriptions
- Roof structure (1950s Ranch Style Home in the Rocky Mountains of USA)
- Soffit under the eaves extending past the wall
- Soffit grill structure details
- Attic ventilation details
- Eave bay 1 showing end of drywall and beginning of soffit area.
- Eave bay 2 showing insulation batt stuffed in the soffit area.