I recently replaced my RO filter system with a simpler water filter system. I did not get a new faucet since I figured that I could just use the existing one that was installed with my RO system. Once I started tinkering around, I discovered the 2 extra drain hoses on my RO faucet (an air gap faucet). The faucet looks like this: https://www.freedrinkingwater.com/support/wp-content/uploads/all-ro-faucet-installation-figure1.jpg
Referencing the image, I disconnected the orange line and just left it uncapped under my sink. I left the black line to the drain saddle where it was. I plugged my new clean water line where the blue line is in the above image.
As I understand the 2 drain lines in the air gap faucet just connect to each other inside the faucet and to a vent hole in the faucet base.
Is this a bad idea? Are there any possible problems I should be aware of? I'd rather not replace the faucet because it's in a really tight spot that's hard to access. Any insight would be appreciated.