Window and walls were done only a month ago. The only time it rained was once this week. What are these big blobs and could it be because of the light rain? Should I leave them or fix? Could it be because the window is pressed on the wall too much? I cant pop it with my fingers, and they not that squishy, the bubbled area is intact.
The bubbles right below the window rubber seal. I can see some dirt trapped in there, probably seaped through from outside.
opposite side, exterior, there is a gap between uPVC window and concrete, thats the way it was installed. no rubber seal like in the interior side. Could that be it? Would a rubber seal prevent the moisture?
Even if i were to repaint, it would be impossible seeing that the bubbles are coming from under the window where i cant reach. I read i could use a hypodermic needle and stick glue in there to make it stick, is that true?