I am replacing 2 fluorescent fixtures with 2 simple two-wire lamps. (The two fixtures are on one circuit - when I removed the first fluo fixture, the second one no longer lit up.) I am having trouble figuring out how to rewire it all.
The difficulty is that coming out of each socket in the ceiling, there are two sets of wires. On the left is a black and a white wire. On the right is a black wire, a white wire, and a red wire. The right red wire connects to the left white wire. The right white wire was going into the fluorescent. And finally, the two black wires connect, and then a third black wire (connected to the same wire cap and coming out of it) went into the fluorescent.
I tried simply connecting the black and white wires to my new fixture, but I think it’s blowing the circuit - it feels different when I turn on the breaker than when there are no wires connected. I’ve tried different combinations of the black wire (leaving one of them out of the equation), but no dice either.
Anyone understand how I might be able to connect the circuit and get these lights to work?
SOCKET 1 (i disconnected all the black wires)
SOCKET 2 (have left black wires exactly as they were when i removed the fluo fixture)