I have a "Inca HC Hilo 72" built-in range hood over my stove. There are two small light bulbs in the hood, each one sitting in a bracket which is held in place by two small screws. These screws are flat head with a Phillips drive. The screws hold the bracket against another sheet metal part.
During bulb replacements, I've damaged these screw heads to the point where it's very hard to remove them. I'd love to find a replacement screw (hopefully something other than Phillips) to replace them.
Snooping around the Faber web site gets this exploded view: http://www.faberonline.com/partslist/incahcssparts.pdf but no identifying information about these tiny screws.
This photo shows the four screws and one of the light bulb brackets.
The screws are about 1/4" long (top of flat head to bottom), with a minor diameter of something like 5/64", and a thread count of something like 20-22 TPI.
Are these a standard screw size? Can they be replaced with an easy-to-find screw, preferably without that cursed Phillips drive?