Apologies if this has been asked here before, my first time on the site coming from Reddit.
I just built a new house and know that the radon levels are high due to neighbors doing testing / the area we live in, so I'm going to install radon mitigation. The house already has a radon vent line from the slab up to the roof with electrical in the attic to install the fan - so that part is easy.
However, I also need to seal the sump pump as it currently just has an open cover on it. My question is do I need to vent the sump pit somewhere, and if so, do I vent it directly into the radon stack (they are very close to each other) or do I need to vent it to a plumbing vent line? I've seen mixed reviews on if it needs vented at all, but since it is also a location for radon to enter the house maybe it makes sense to have the radon fan draw air from this area as well.
Any guidance is much appreciated!