my brother and I recently started a project to build a patio over a jacuzzi to protect it from snow, and this requires drilling holes in concrete for anchor bolts for the posts. After we started, the next electric bill he received was around 600% increase (from 120 to 800), and 12 days since, the bill is already higher than before. We did not see any wires into the concrete but we fear that there was a hidden cable that is now damaged and draining electricity with no access anywhere. We have no idea what other cause of the electric sprike could be other than maybe a rat or rodent chewing a main wire somewhere.
Edit: Additional information: The avg KWh per month is around 550, spiked usage month is 2700, current usage 12 days in the cycle is over 3000.
Used a rotary hammer drill to drill about 6 inches into the concrete. Then we filled the hole with a very strong concrete glue before putting the 4 inch anchor bolts down as flush as possible.
Jacuzzi was only turned on once to check if it could be used when he bought the house, but never turned on since. HVAC system was turned off when we left the house, and we only worked on the weekends, so about 4 days in total so far.
EDIT 2: ISSUE FOUND So we found the issue, it was two switches in the garage that turn on nothing in the house, but the house was using 6 KWH/ hr and after switching it off, it went to less than 1 KWH/ hr. These switches turn on two small boxes that seem to only heat up a lot (hot to the touch) but does nothing else. Have no idea what they are for. Can someone explain what this thing is for?.
Sorry for slow update. After finding the cause, we went straight to work on the patio and didn't check the thread till after I left. My brother opened the box for you guys here. Appears to be a bunch of heavy duty cables for high voltage. Still not sure where this even goes though, so we are probably going to box off the two switches and change them to smart switches so we can remotely monitor and turn them off if they ever turn on again. I would love to investigate what these are for in the future in another post.
Thank you everyone for your advice, it helped a lot in isolating the issue and finding the cause.