I am creating a shelf in my garage to go over the front of the car.
The rules of the town home community is that we can't have anything that puts weight on the structure of the garage, so have created two by side supports designed to have something go horizontally go from one to the other (it's 42" deep it's 42" deep ). I
I was thinking of 2 or 3 2x4's to go span the 10', and then using 1 x 4 slats over that for the shelf. How
How much weight would this hold ? Should
Should I use 2x6's ? Should I use 2 or 3? Or ?
Not planning to put a lot of weight up there, maybe cumlativecumulative around 150 - 250 pounds. Any
Any thoughts on what I should use to span the 10' wide, 42" deep shelf space ?