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Joe Fala's user avatar
Joe Fala's user avatar
Joe Fala
  • Member for 5 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • Toronto, ON, Canada
39 votes

Why are these receptacles so difficult to plug into?

18 votes

Is this saw blade faulty?

16 votes

Turning a hard to access nut?

16 votes

What's the best tool for cutting holes into duct work?

15 votes

How big is a framed opening for a door relative to the finished door opening width?

13 votes

Is my plan for fixing my water heater leak bad?

8 votes

Heating basement floor with water heater

8 votes

Most cost effective thermostat setting: consistent temperature vs. lowest temperature possible

7 votes

How do you bend stair rails?

6 votes

Cutting already installed tile?

6 votes

How to install a safety barrier-post in garage, between house and vehicle

6 votes

1730 House how to make Ceiling Level

5 votes

How do I use this valve properly?

5 votes

Repair Drywall after electrical work

5 votes

A running toilet that stops itself

5 votes

Building a wood gate too hard for DIY newbie?

5 votes

PEX: Is it worth replacing crimps with push connections?

5 votes

2018 IBC code requirement for tempered glass windows (safety glass)

4 votes

Yellow poly gas pipe to copper tubing transition

4 votes

what brand of thermostat is this

4 votes

How can I dehumidify the bathroom while I shower, without using the ceiling fan?

4 votes

Is all copper pipe pretty much the same?

4 votes

Coat hook rack above a wall with fuse boxes

4 votes

What are the grooves on the shank of my 16" masonry drill bits for?

4 votes

Venting 2 traps

4 votes

Placing stone over metal fireplace face. Is this possible?

4 votes

If my regular propane tank for the house runs out, can I use a BBQ tank as a temporary fix?

4 votes

Inserting a Tee In 1" Pipe for an Air Compressor?

3 votes

Can I run my washing machine drain line into a condensate pump so it drains better?

3 votes

How can I add a "C" wire to my thermostat?

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