Pronouns: they/them
I'm the lead product engineer / team lead for ThinkAlpha Technologies, a financial software company commoditizing sophisticated analytics and strategic trading for any person who wants to try their hand at it.
Previously, I was the CTO of BallStreet Trading, a startup that turns sports betting into a predictive market for real-time trading during game plays, and I was also the CTO of the startup company FunnelFire, where we built a sophisticated real-time sales intelligence platform.
I was a professor of Computer Science at Stevens Institute of Technology from 2011 to 2019, where I taught a variety of courses from Introduction to C++11, to Data Structure and Algorithms, to TCP/IP Networking (an advanced programming course where students re-implement the network stack). I also ran the NAND2Tetris course from MIT Courseware at Stevens.
I graduated in 2009 from Stevens Institute of Technology with a bachelors and masters of science in Computer Science, a minor in Law & Public Policy, and graduate certificates in Computer Systems, Databases & Service Oriented Architecture, Distributed Systems, Enterprise Computing, Quantitative Software Engineering, and Service Oriented Computing.
I got my start programming at a very young age, writing QBasic programs to display colorful circles on the screen while sitting on my dad's lap when I was 3 years old. My first big projects were a Super Mario World clone for GameBoy, a MUD called HybridMOO, and a home automation package called IntellHome.
I am interested in woodworking, pottery, hiking, exploration of abandoned or neglected sites and buildings, photography (particularly of those abandoned sites, but also glamour/editorial), cooking, snowshoeing, and New Jersey trivia/history.