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44 votes

Sudden Sulfur Smell from well water

Terminology first: Your well was drilled, not dug. No one in Vermont would dig a domestic water well deeper than about 30 feet. You probably have a steel well casing about 6 inches in diameter ...
MTA's user avatar
  • 12k
22 votes

Off-Grid Well Setup

If the terrain allows siting a tank above the level of the cabins by at least 50 vertical feet or so, put a 1000 gallon (or even larger) tank there, and run pipes up to it from the well, and down from ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 223k
11 votes

Irrigation well under pressure, why is that?

An artesian well brings water up to the surface without pumping. This is because the water in the underground reservoir is under pressure because it has water in the water-bearing layer at a higher ...
Jon Custer's user avatar
10 votes

How does rain water get into my window well

Sealing the well wall where it meets the house probably won't help much. I think the water in the ground is finding it's way under the window well barrier (by virtue of hydrostatic pressure) and ...
SteveSh's user avatar
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9 votes

Sudden Sulfur Smell from well water

It is very uncommon for wells driven deep for the "supply" to change. You get what you initially get for a very long time. What is far more likely is you got a anaerobic sulfur colony ...
George Anderson's user avatar
8 votes

Can I operate a well pump with no pressure tank by using the breaker as a switch?

Not really. You can do that if you only turn on the pump when you're consuming water. You don't want the pump running if no water is moving. You'll wear it out. The point of a pressure switch is to ...
isherwood's user avatar
  • 144k
8 votes

How does rain water get into my window well

Push a tube into a pool of water. There's your answer. It's not complicated. Even with proper grade slope the ground can become saturated down at that level. My parents have a similar problem and ...
isherwood's user avatar
  • 144k
7 votes

Sudden Sulfur Smell from well water

Presumably you mean "rotten egg" smell, i.e. hydrogen sulfide. Either you have a seasonal change in where the water in your aquifer is being drawn from, or hydrogen sulfide bacteria have ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 223k
6 votes

How does rain water get into my window well

The drains are flowing. The basement sump pump is running. I’ve checked all the gutters and drainage pipes, but all seems to be clear. I don't know where else to look. You skipped a step here: WHERE ...
Machavity's user avatar
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6 votes

Install differences / considerations between 75' water well and 300' deep water well

If you have made the modern (and sensible/efficient) choice of a submersible pump, it's mostly just choosing the right one for the well you have. You generally won't use the same pump for a 75 foot ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 223k
5 votes

Can I operate a well pump with no pressure tank by using the breaker as a switch?

As isherwood noted, never run the pump unless the water has somewhere to go. Also, running the pump for only a few seconds at a time is probably not ideal. If you're pumping out through an open pipe ...
Matthew's user avatar
  • 281
5 votes

Why do people have outdoor pump houses for their well?

The well isn't always close to the house. And pumps don't do well with sucking water out of a distant well, priming will be an issue. If you have freezing issues then you should add some insulation to ...
ratchet freak's user avatar
5 votes

What type of soil should I use to backfill around my recently extend well?

Clay is a pretty good choice. Around the top of a well, what you want is both slope and soil type to prevent surface water going down beside the well casing.
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 223k
4 votes

Is a high electric bill for a pump house caused by a well pump running constantly?

I saw this at a house in NH -- crazy high electric bills caused by a corroded pipe nipple between the tank and the the pressure switch. The pump was running all the time, but since there was no pilot ...
Russ McFatter's user avatar
4 votes

What is the procedure for restarting a drilled well?

Pump it out for a while. If the pump controller does not have a "low pressure cutoff" pay attention so you don't leave the pump on if you manage to pump it dry. Common to "shock treat" (chorinate, ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 223k
4 votes

Grounding and neutral in a well pump shed

Current flows in loops. Between hot and hot; or between hot and neutral. But always a loop. Wayward current wants to get back to SOURCE - not earth. For human-generated artificial electricity, ...
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
4 votes

How would you build a well cover for a dug well?

First and foremost, "sturdy" matters more than "light" - in fact, a "standard design goal" for a standard well cover is that you should need at least two people to remove ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 223k
4 votes

Is a pipe hammered in the ground considered a well?

In short, yes, the well rules (whatever they are in your LAHJ) apply to driving a pipe into the ground. A driven well is type 2 or 3 (the screen is in the drive point on the end of the pipe, ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 223k
4 votes

Is a pipe hammered in the ground considered a well?

If you google: "Driven Point Wells" you will find what you are looking for. Images from:
Steve Wellens's user avatar
4 votes

Filtering the byproducts of iron removal after chlorine injection

I have a drinking water well that is loaded with iron. The pump feeds into a chlorine injection valve as you've described. The chlorine reacts with the iron in the water. The next step in the water ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
  • 11.2k
4 votes

Is this a sign of a dry well?

Dry well, (or at least "low-water, slow recharge") and (now) dead pump; or, just possibly, a leak in the pipe coming up the well causing pumping in circles, but that's not consistent with &...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 223k
4 votes

What should be changed in this well-source residential water system to prevent future leaks?

Other than "two bad valves in a row" (try to find one not made in China for the third time - which may take some hunting, these days) the main thing that seems like it would contribute to ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 223k
3 votes

Well water going out

200 yards is a long way when it comes to drilled wells. I'm probably that far downhill of one that is filled to the top, and mine has a static level 100 feet down. Your neighbors may also use water ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 223k
3 votes

Well water in whole-house water filter turning green

You don't need to experiment with this system. What you have there is algae growth because you have opened up your well house to sunlight. This is a very common problem. Algae is every where, it is in ...
Tim Shrum's user avatar
3 votes

Well water pressure

Since this is a DIY site, here are some things you can check: Next to the pressure tank, you should see a gauge like this This tells you your water pressure. With no water running, this should not ...
mikeazo's user avatar
  • 548
3 votes

Choosing the right replacement pump for well

Jet pumps were a great idea when pump motors were terribly unreliable, and you could keep the pump motor out of the well by using one. These days, that's not true. Likewise, anyone who recommends a "...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 223k
3 votes

How can we get maximum life of a water well?

Since you are asking about a very old well in your comment , how long can a well last? There are water wells still in use today from biblical times. If they are deep enough and have not been ...
Ed Beal's user avatar
  • 103k
3 votes

Can I operate a well pump with no pressure tank by using the breaker as a switch?

It won't hurt the breaker any. All modern breakers are rated for use as switches.
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
3 votes

how do I disinfect a well with plain bleach

1) Use common household bleach as the chlorine source for disinfection. [Bleach products usually contain 5 to 6 percent chlorine. For the disinfection procedure to be effective, ...
isherwood's user avatar
  • 144k
3 votes

Low pressure after water main pipe replacement

The tank has a bladder inside the bladder holds the water on the outside of the bladder( inside the tank is filled with air) . With the tank empty of water we normally pressurize the air to a few ...
Ed Beal's user avatar
  • 103k

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