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21 votes

What are these washers?

It's a serrated lock washer. I've seen them used for two purposes: Locking the nut in cases of vibration. Ensuring a electrical bond on painted or corroded metal. Or, of course, a combination of the ...
vidarlo's user avatar
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14 votes

How to combine flat and split lock washers on a bolt

They gave you four lock washers instead of 4 locking nuts. No problem. Install the bolts as shown in the instructions. Then install a flat washer on each bolt followed by a lock washer and then the ...
JACK's user avatar
  • 83.8k
13 votes

Why would a GFI blink red

Effective June 29, 2015, all GFCI receptacles and circuit breakers must have an auto-monitoring (self-test) feature that automatically conducts a periodic internal test to confirm that the GFCI is ...
norcal johnny's user avatar
11 votes

What is a carriage bolt washer with mounting spikes called?

That is a toothed or pronged "torque washer". As you suspect, it's intended to prevent a carriage bolt from turning in soft wood.
isherwood's user avatar
  • 144k
11 votes

Toilet leaking from base

The fact that the washer drain is coming up through the toilet leads me to believe that you have a clogged drain pipe at some point BELOW the point where the toilet drain enters your drain stack. The ...
jwh20's user avatar
  • 23.5k
7 votes

How to combine flat and split lock washers on a bolt

Put the flat washer on first then the split lock washer and finally the nut.
Michael Karas's user avatar
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7 votes

Is it safe for a water hookup for washer to be located directly above 240 V electrical hookup for dryer?

No, and most jurisdictions specify a minimum distance between electrical and water outlets. Move one and remember water falls due to gravity and sprays due to supply pressure.
Solar Mike's user avatar
  • 28.1k
6 votes

Washing machine drain hose very high

Would be good to see the specific model. But a check valve may be the simplest solution. From a random Maytag manual: For standpipe installation above 48"(121.2 cm), install a check valve to ...
BowlOfRed's user avatar
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6 votes

What are these washers?

They're anti-vibration locking washers, the teeth digging into both the nut and whatever it's holding. They are also available with the teeth on the inside (as the pic), rather than as shown above, ...
Tim's user avatar
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5 votes

Toilet leaking from base

Washer drains large amount of water in short time. You drain is clogged or partially clogged and can not handle that. Since it is already leaking under the toilet, you will have to remove the toilet, ...
Traveler's user avatar
  • 18.8k
5 votes

Do I need to replace the killswitch before installing a new washer?

It sounds like you are talking about the water supply valve to the washing machine, and it sounds like it is failing to turn the water off when in the off position. The free installation you get ...
jay613's user avatar
  • 43.5k
5 votes

Do I need to replace the killswitch before installing a new washer?

To the uneducated or inexperienced installers, some residual water leaking from the old supply hoses is taken as a valve that is not closing. I have had to "rescue" a few neighbors in my ...
RMDman's user avatar
  • 38.2k
4 votes

Pros and Cons of a washer tray

Looks like you hit the pros and cons of the washer tray pretty well :-) Couple of things I'd consider: Since the room is tile and concrete, is there a drain in the floor? If so, adding a washer tray ...
Andrew Bowers's user avatar
4 votes

Screw and washer should go through flat area or curved?

The depression you're asking about appears to be simply sloppy manufacturing to me. It doesn't seem like an intentional countersink. If it was you'd probably have flat-head screws instead. The ...
isherwood's user avatar
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4 votes

Rocks in Washing Machine?

The drum seal is deteriorating and breaking off. Remove the agitator (look up how for your model) and you will see the piece below it is crumbling and made of these same deposits.
Sam E Boat's user avatar
4 votes

What are these washers?

They are spring locking washers. They are designed such that the "teeth" oppose the nut vibrating loose.
Solar Mike's user avatar
  • 28.1k
4 votes

Are Rubber Washers In Faucets Supposed To Be Regularly Replaced?

I've definitely had them do that when they are old. Generally plumbers replace supply lines when doing any work. Given the price of the supplies lines, the potential cost of a leak and the general ...
Fresh Codemonger's user avatar
4 votes

Toilet leaking from base

You have a clog. Diagnosing where online will be impossible. This is something you cannot repair on your own. You need to call a plumber.
RMDman's user avatar
  • 38.2k
4 votes

How to service a washer if there's a dryer stacked on top?

This problem stumped me for 3+ years. I even considered building a shelf to put the dryer on. Then last week I figured it out: if I could attach pulleys to the ceiling and hoist the dryer a few inches ...
Justin Grant's user avatar
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3 votes

What washer dryer do I need for this space?

Some builders ( mostly in large city complexes) provide limited space or delete some of the utility hook-ups to save money on construction, forcing you to use more exotic washer/dryers. You don't ...
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
3 votes

In what order should flat and split washers be installed?

TYPICAL installation is screw, materials, flat washer, lock washer, nut. But for some reason, the engineer requires the assembly be in the order of screw, lock washer, flat washer, materials, nut. ...
Gregory Etheridge's user avatar
3 votes

Motor is whining but does not agitate

Turned out the belt fell off! Removed the front panel, put the belt back on, still works fine.
sds's user avatar
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3 votes

O-Rings vs. Washers for Garden Hoses?

Actually there is an o-ring that works far better than those typical flat or squared edge washers - it has a larger diameter (fatter) and seals better than anything I’ve ever used. Walmart has them ...
Bruce's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

Speed Queen washing machine stopped working mid-cycle

Take a look at the lid switch. On some machines, the lid switch only interrupts the spin cycle. But it may be required to be closed for everything on this machine. The lid switch can fail with little ...
manassehkatz-Moving 2 Codidact's user avatar
3 votes

Which side are these washers supposed to go?

It looks like the U-channel on that side came bent - If you compare it to the other side it seems to be bent quite a bit, judging from the pictures. This is why the caster plate isn't hitting the ...
IronEagle's user avatar
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3 votes

My 5 years old Samsung Washer Keeps Tripping my gfci (Reason is Ground Fault)

New houses are supposed to have dedicated circuits for the laundry room. Nonetheless, unplug the washing machine. See if the GFCI trips stop, or continue. (if they continue, it's NOT the washer and ...
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
3 votes

What happens if the washing machine discharge hose is too far down the stand pipe?

There will always be a small amount of water that remains in the bottom of your washer. When the pump stops the water just past the pump to the top of the washer will fall back down. If your drain ...
JACK's user avatar
  • 83.8k
3 votes

Do pressure washers have a maximum water inlet flow (GPM) and PSI?

So I understand that most pressure washers need at least 20 PSI of water flow at the inlet and at least the same GPM that the pressure washer will output I've seen plenty that will feed from a bucket,...
Jasen's user avatar
  • 23.2k
3 votes

Maytag washer question

This was from Part Select question and answer section. I'm not affiliated with them,
JACK's user avatar
  • 83.8k
3 votes

Can I use my SpeedQueen washer with well & septic?

You'll be fine 1500 gallons is quite large for 2 people. The general assumptions for sizes tend to just be based on how many bedrooms, and they don't assume you have a high efficiency washer. You ...
Tiger Guy's user avatar
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