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4 votes

Shellac Primer on entire interior of house?

I don’t see any downside. I’ve been using shellac based primer for many years, and I think it’s one of the greatest problem solvers ever. I wouldn’t hesitate to use it on any indoor surface that’s ...
MTA's user avatar
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Is paint enough or do I need to shellac?

You need to find the source of the humidity and correct that first before applying and paint shellac or varnish. When you fix the problem you should remove as much of the old paint coating as possible,...'s user avatar
  • 12.5k
2 votes

Finish plywood for closet organizer

I used to prefer oil based finishes, but the water based ones have gotten so much better over the years that I will now use them instead. For a simple closet organizer I suggest 2 coats, lightly ...
George Anderson's user avatar
2 votes

Shellac Primer on entire interior of house?

Shellac itself is as far as I know pretty safe. It's made from insect secretions. The strong smell from shellac finishes is the solvent. Primers might be different but the amount of VOCs should be ...
aquaticapetheory's user avatar
1 vote

Shellac Primer on entire interior of house?

There's nothing wrong with using a shellac or product like BIN for your entire interior. In fact it's an excellent coating for coverage, bleed, and sandability. There may be other products that offer ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Finishing hardwood floors with shellac - bad idea?

I would use shellac in a bedroom, it's not as durable as polyurethane but its not a high traffic area so it would still last a long time. It's cheap, easy to apply, easy to touch up or refinish. ...
batsplatsterson's user avatar
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Finishing hardwood floors with shellac - bad idea?

Water based polyurethane is the way to go. There is no need to use oil based PU nowadays. In states like California, they are being removed from the shelves as we have tighter restriction on VOC. ...
Quoc Vu's user avatar
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Finishing hardwood floors with shellac - bad idea?

I can think of two good reasons not to use shellac. It is not as durable as polyurethane. Lap marks show (sometimes a lot). It not easy to get a smooth finish, especially because it dries quickly. ...
David's user avatar
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