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5 votes

How can I secure a flatware holder in a drawer?

Removable double-sided tape holds really well in shear and won't damage your drawer. I'd use a fairly thin foam type. The foam helps handle imperfections in the flatness of your holder. Trim it so it'...
isherwood's user avatar
  • 144k
3 votes

How can I secure a flatware holder in a drawer?

Use a drawer liner to cover the whole bottom of the drawer. You may also want to put more things in to fill the space, so they hold each other in place. Edited: Cut the drawer liner to the size of the ...
Guang Yang's user avatar
9 votes

Copper bonding jumper around new whole-house water filter system

I had the same scenario when I added a whole house water filter system. The instructions specifically stated that if the piping that was cut to enable the install was metal, then a wire bridge must ...
RMDman's user avatar
  • 38.5k

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