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Distribution and use of electricity throughout the home. Electrical standards vary greatly worldwide, so you need to provide your location in your question or profile to ensure you get answers that are relevant to you. Posting photographs of wiring junctions or drawing a wiring diagram and posting it is also highly recommended.

1 vote
1 answer

LED bulb with slow on motion detector

These are externally mounted on an electrical box to control the fixture. I replace a couple every year on this house. It's an ocean front house and there are a lot surges because of weather. …
Robert Cuminale's user avatar
1 vote

Buzzing sound relates to domestic fuse problem, or bigger issue?

Leakage in the breaker (it's not a fuse) It produces enough heat to start a fire. I found one one where the heat was so intense it broke the plastic covers on the stove and main brakers. The aluminum …
Robert Cuminale's user avatar