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For questions generally relating to outdoor ground-level flooring areas such as patios.

0 votes

Do I need to suplimentary seal the joint between pavers and patio edge when that joint is us...

Yes, I would seal it the best I could, otherwise some of the water would soak in between the joints. If it sloping away from the structure you should be fine.
Off The Gold's user avatar
1 vote

Can a paver sitting wall be put on a paver patio?

If your patio was built right, it was placed on the proper amount of gravel. You would likely know if it was built on gravel if the patio is 5+ years old and it has not heaved much. …
Off The Gold's user avatar
1 vote

Can I apply polymeric sand only on a x inches wide stretch where the patio joins the wall?

So you want to put 3 foot strip in width of polymeric sand over existing pavers? You will be OK with how that would look? I am just not sure how well such a strip will stay together over the long haul …
Off The Gold's user avatar
1 vote

How can I raise the level of an existing paved patio?

You could probably add another layer of pavers right over that old patio, it can support the weight. …
Off The Gold's user avatar
1 vote

Can brick patio and walk edging be removed without damaging the edging?

You could remove it, but your patio may start to shift eventually if not replaced. The paver edging is there to keep the pavers in place. …
Off The Gold's user avatar
1 vote

Replacing patio stones with grass

I would probably dig up a bit under one of the patio blocks and see how far down the gravel goes. … If they used no gravel you could just remove the patio blocks, top off the soil a bit and plant the seeds. However, it is unlikely they didn't use gravel as your patio would become uneven fast. …
Doresoom's user avatar
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Can I work on resetting pavers on my patio after a heavy rain?

Under your patio should be various layers of gravel that should drain the water well. …
Off The Gold's user avatar
0 votes

Can I use this aggregate for bedding for my patio?

It is perfect for making grade adjustments to the patio. Keep in mind under the 2.5" top layer there should be a 4 - 6" base of compactable gravel for best drainage. …
Off The Gold's user avatar