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Panelboards, also known as "electrical panels", "circuit breaker panels", "fuse boxes", "distribution boards", "consumer units", or "load centers". Remember to provide your location. Include photographs of the existing equipment or plans. Questions about individual overcurrent devices (breakers or fuses) should use the [circuit-breaker] tag.

7 votes

What can I do about a severed grounding wire?

Here is what the National Electrical Code says: 250.64 Grounding Electrode Conductor Installation. Grounding electrode conductors at the service, at each building or structure where supplied by a fee …
ArchonOSX's user avatar
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6 votes

Main service electric panel has no neutral wire - both neutral and ground wires on same bar ...

Up until 2011 the National Electrical Code allowed a "3 wire" method of connecting a sub-panel. This means you have the two "hot" wires and a neutral running to the sub-panel as opposed to the "4 wire …
ArchonOSX's user avatar
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6 votes

How to repair an electric outlet which died while running a carpet cleaner?

The breaker on the bottom right (with the green tab on it) looks tripped. They will move to center position without doing much else. Turn it all the way off and then all the way back on. If that does …
ArchonOSX's user avatar
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5 votes

Any potential problems with re-numbering electrical panel?

The accepted practice in most of the USA is to number the breaker slots. We number them odd on the left and even on the right from top to bottom. A two-pole breaker takes up two slots and therefore tw …
ArchonOSX's user avatar
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5 votes

How to make a 150a sub panel work with a 200a main panel when the max breaker size if 125a

You said "I know that to pass inspection, the breaker feeding my subpanel needs to match or exceed the amp rating of the subpanel itself." Not true. The feed breaker's purpose is to protect the cond …
ArchonOSX's user avatar
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4 votes

Breaker in circuit panel doesn't appear to do anything?

Could there be simply an unused breaker in the panel? If it's unused, why wouldn't the electrician just leave the blank piece of metal there instead? Yes sometimes spare breakers are inserted as …
ArchonOSX's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I connect a 100A subpanel to a 100A main panel?

I currently have a 100amp main service box but it is all full and some are even doubled up.I'm wondering if i can hook up a 100amp subpanel off of it? Certainly, that is what sub-panels are for. …
ArchonOSX's user avatar
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3 votes

30 amp 110 breaker

My question is this: Can I run this motor on the current 20 amp (110) or is there just no way? Does anyone have an ideas? Short answer: No The motor leads in the connection box on the saw need to be …
ArchonOSX's user avatar
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3 votes

Looking to setup a 100Amp panel in my attached garage and have ideas/questions

The type of cable you linked to is SE cable covered by Article 338 of the National Electrical Code. It connot be used underground with or without a raceway. Here is the pertinent code language. 338.1 …
ArchonOSX's user avatar
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3 votes

Do I need common trip breakers for a house wired with shared neutrals?

The National Electrical Code requires simultaneous disconnection of multiwire branch circuit ungrounded conductors. It does NOT require common trip breakers. Here are the pertinent articles: 210.4(B) …
ArchonOSX's user avatar
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3 votes

Moving electrical panel. Do I need to rewire all circuits?

I think the point here should be never take electrical advice from a General Contractor. Get your advice from an experienced electrician. There is absolutely no reason to replace all the wiring in th …
ArchonOSX's user avatar
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3 votes

what would cause a breaker box enclosure to be electrified?

I put my hand on the metal enclosure of the breaker box and received a shock. What could possibly have caused this? The enclosure was energized and you were grounded and completed the path back t …
ArchonOSX's user avatar
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3 votes

What's wrong with this wiring?

That's severely wrong. It appears you have two wires connected as hot wires that are connected to the neutral and ground of that receptacle. Hence the 248 volt reading. Then the hot terminal on the …
ArchonOSX's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a min distance between spa disconnect panel and outdoor shower?

I can find nothing in the National Electrical Code to prevent you from doing this. It is the hot tub that is required to be at least 5' away from the disconnect. 680.12 Maintenance Disconnecting …
ArchonOSX's user avatar
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3 votes

Series breaker panel box

Does this mean that since the panel circuit is series I can connect the source hot wire to the 60-amp breaker and all other breakers will automatically be connected to the 60-amp breaker? The pan …
ArchonOSX's user avatar
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