I have found this electrical tape in several of my switch boxes. It appears that -- instead of wire nuts or wall nuts -- the wires have been twisted, soldered a bit, and wrapped in this odd tape. The under layers around the conductors are a sticky, rubber consistency, while the outer layer is a cloth-type (like hockey tape for those familiar). My house was built in 1955, and I have already found some shoddy electrical work elsewhere so I have some trepidation about this stuff. Can anyone identify it? Is it still safe/up to code in the US? [![enter image description here][1]][1] **EDIT:** Found [one reference][2] to it in the EE SE. One of the comments suggests that the stuff can be dangerous if it dries out. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/hJLnF.jpg [2]: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/a/244371/122929