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Is hand digging a 4 inch trench for PVC drainage pipe behind my gas meter allowed?

I'm doing some work involving drainage in my yard. One of my downspouts comes down right next to my gas meter. In order to direct water where I want I'd like to run the line in between the meters feed ...
Sidney's user avatar
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Need for water pressure regulator when increasing supply line

I have city water at around 80PSI static pressure when measured at one faucet. There is some variation during the day but everything works well and I do not have a pressure regulator. Because of ...
Alessio Sangalli's user avatar
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Trenching requirements for utilities in a outdoors kitchen

I would like to build a small outdoors kitchen, with gas (for the grill), electricity, water and drain - sewage (for a sink). I spoke this morning with a person in the building department of my city ...
Alessio Sangalli's user avatar
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Utility trenches to Accessory Dwelling

I live in Georgia and am putting a garage apartment behind my house. It is about 30 - 40 feet from the main house. I would like to know how many different trenches I will have to dig, how deep, and ...
Yankee Down South's user avatar
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What extra conduit should I include in a utility trench?

I'm putting in a trench with electricity + water + phone from the street to a future house site. The trench will be around 150' long. The electricity and phone will each be in their own conduit, ...
Jay Bazuzi's user avatar
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