Questions tagged [sliding-glass-door]

Use when your question relates to the installation, maintenance, repair, specifications, etc. of a glass door that opens/closes by sliding one panel parallel to the other.

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2 answers

How do I secure an old aluminum/glass sliding door?

I am buying a house that was built in 1967 and still has the original sliding door opening onto the back deck. This door's latch is missing. It does not lock. The last owner of the house didn't ...
Jacob's user avatar
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2 answers

What kind of cylinder do I need for this type of lock?

I have a Fleetwood Archetype door lock for sliding doors that I want to improve by adding an external locking mechanism. It looks as following: The lock is described in more detail in its patent ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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1 answer

Stuck Patio Sliding Door

My sliding patio door will no longer move. It was working fine for the best couple months since we've moved into this house. However, today, when I tried unlocking my patio sliding door, the unlock ...
wwwuser's user avatar
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2 answers

What kind of lock do I need to lock this sliding door from the outside?

I have a sliding door in my home that says "Fleetwood" and looks like this: The outside plate looks like this: What kind of a lock is supposed to be used in this door to allow it to be ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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1 answer

Replacing the track and the rollers for a sliding glass door (kitchen to patio)

The track that this door slides on is worn out beyond repair. I need to replace it and I would like to know if it is possible (from your experience) to totally replace the rollers and the track. I ...
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