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Questions tagged [house-wrap]

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Weather barrier for concrete block to wood transition

I have a concrete block garage with a single-car-size door that I've framed in. The goal is to cover the whole area with siding. I've applied housewrap to the wood portion but I'm not certain how to ...
George Haskell's user avatar
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Sealing sheathing to an ICF foundation

I am in energy Zone 4 and have a stick frame home on an EPS ICF foundation built in 2007. The rim board is currently just insulated with batting and it is a little drafty and I a little worried that ...
TBP's user avatar
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Installing hardie board lap siding over old wooden chiplap siding

I have taken some hail-damaged vinyl siding off my house and found that it was installed over the old wooden chiplap siding, which is in good shape. I need to know if I put a house wrap on, then 2x4 ...
Rutman69's user avatar
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No house wrap on 2007 built southern Oregon house, insurance claim or something that should be warrantied?

I am installing a second story deck. I cut into the T1-11 to get at the rim joist. There is no house wrap under the T1-11, but there is 1/2 inch osb sheathing. I also cut through the sheathing, and ...
jeremysawesome's user avatar
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Partial siding repair, do I need to add housewrap?

I had the unfortunate pleasure of having around 3' of siding on one side of my house removed and discarded. Previously there was vinyl on the exterior, then wooden clapboard underneath, then sheathing ...
DrJimesTooper's user avatar
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What type of weather proof house wrap to use around an exterior gas fireplace 225F minimum?

Context I am installing an outdoor/indoor gas fireplace. The manufacturer recommends to use a minimum 225F weather proof material around the exterior of the fireplace within 6in of the top and 1in of ...
Max's user avatar
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Sealing - Do sheathing and bottom plate have to be sealed (caulked) in CA?

Context: I am about to place the house wrap on the sheathing of my house addition in California. I am looking at flashing my doors and windows properly to make the house water tight. I am looking for ...
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