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Hanging a 20lbs lamp from a concrete ceiling, what to be aware of?

I’m trying to drill a hole into the concrete ceiling in my apartment to first insert a hook, then hang the lamp through. The lamp is a plug-in btw. Just wondering what are the necessary tools and ...
Jordan Matt Kim's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

Hanging picture on a very hard concrete wall [duplicate]

Situation: Appartment in a panel building. Very hard concrete walls -- all, thick or thin. No plastic hooks (like these on alibaba that usually work for people around do not work for me, the little ...
yo''s user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to hang a projector screen from a thin horizontal part of slightly curved ceiling

I have a brick wall in front of which I want to hang a projector screen. Here is an image of a typical projector screen that I am looking to buy: The part of my ceiling near the wall is curved(the ...
Irfan Alam's user avatar