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Slow Draining Bathroom Sink, help

My sink drains very slowly. It will fill up while washing your hands and take about a minute to clear. The tub/shower in the same bathroom drains fine. I removed the trap and did not find any blockage....
Austin's user avatar
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2 answers

Have I properly vented my bathroom remodel?

4 years ago I purchased a 30yrs abandoned home and started doing its remodel. The house is 1 level on a concrete slab and all the plumbing was Cast Iron for drains and galvanized pipes for water. I've ...
Jef's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Will Air Admittance Valves help me? If so, where to place them?

This is my first question so apologies if its not the highest quality. will do better over time. My primary question is: based on the current plumbing layout, what problems am I likely to experience, ...
McNabbHome's user avatar
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Help with new install of small bathroom in basement?

I'm installing a brand new bathroom in my basement! I'm a DIYer, so after lots of learning, I'm looking for some experienced advice with the layout. I've only done remodels, not new installs. I'm ...
James Pevey's user avatar
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Is this wet venting solution ok?

I am completely redoing my basement bathroom and am wondering if this way of venting the plumbing is ok. From what I've seen, wet venting is the most money and time efficient way to do it, so I would ...
Oswald Tay's user avatar
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Difficulty (drain plumbing wise) in splitting a large bathroom on the second floor into two bathrooms?

We have a large main bathroom and we'd like to split it so we have a small master bath and a smaller main bath. Layout wise, door wise, etc, we think it will fit but we're trying to gauge the ...
Ryan Detzel's user avatar
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Are these bends in the tub drain going to be an issue?

Im getting ready to run the drain for my basement bathroom but I'm concerned that I have too many turns in the tub drain. I had to start in the wrong direction in order to pick up a wall for a vent. ...
Ben Anderson's user avatar
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Where are vents required for bathroom drains?

Here is a diagram of the new drain plumbing we are installing for one and a half new bathrooms. Where should I locate any required vents on these lines? I live in Oakland County, MI and it looks they ...
Emily's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How can I vent a bathtub trap when the drain is routed under the tub?

I am … very slowly … thinking about replacing the probably circa 1950's galvanized steel drain pipes in my basement with PVC. In particular, I would like to replace the drain line under ...
irrational John's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

Sink tailpiece doesn't line up with trap

After installing a new bathroom sink, the drain tailpiece doesn't line up with the trap coming out of the wall. I've seen flexible accordion hoses for this, but I think that violates code (P3002.3.1)....
Elliott B's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Why are there bubbles in my bathroom toilet and sink?

I have had a lot of really odd things happen in my bathroom this weekend and I want to make sure it is nothing too serious. Ok so when I was taking a shower I heard the toilet bubble up. A few ...
Josh Pennington's user avatar