Questions tagged [aluminum]

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2 votes
5 answers

Compatibility of aluminum fittings with brass rough-in valve

I am wanting to add a permanent electronic temperature sensor to a brass rough-in shower valve. For this particular rough-in valve, I can thread a thermowell into the outlet that is normally used for ...
Ryan Griggs's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

2 wire 6 AWG Aluminum wire used for a 4 prong dryer outlet [duplicate]

I am pretty comfortable and knowledgeable with wiring and basic electricity however I am stumped with how to proceed with my current problem. My dryer died and needed a new dryer cord (it is 4 prong ...
Consulting Mechanic's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How can I cut aluminum angle stock without damaging my tools?

How can I cut aluminum angle stock without damaging my tools? I've done some looking around the interwebs and have not found anything definitive - basically there are warnings about cutting it with ...
Steve French's user avatar