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Questions tagged [accessibility]

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Wheelchair accessible downstairs bathroom

I have an old property, 1948, where the ground floor level is 1.3m above the ground. I would like to build a guest loo below the stair well, which means cutting the floor boards and creating stairs ...
Chris's user avatar
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Run oxygen tubing across a ceiling?

I want to run medical oxygen supply tubing across the ceiling of a bedroom. (It currently lies on the floor, where it's a trip hazard and is prone to damage.) The tubing is a light pliable plastic ...
Adrian McCarthy's user avatar
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What are some options for under decking fencing that allows access?

Right now I have a deck that has vinyl lattice (diamond shaped) surrounding it. Each piece is about 3 feet by 4 feet and is attached to support poles from the deck. The deck is about 5 feet off the ...
DMoore's user avatar
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How to extend or automate a casement window crank?

We have a pair of casement windows in a corner of our kitchen. They're over a deep sink area, so it's hard to reach the cranks to open them. Are there any solutions for reaching the cranks, either ...
Nick Petrie's user avatar
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Access required to change shower drain

I'm not handy so excuse the rough description. I think that my shower drain is leaking. There is water in the trap and the leak stopped, so I think it's something about how the drain connects to the ...
Robert's user avatar
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The connection from bathtub overflow pipe to overflow hole in bathtub hole is missing. I have no access behind or underneath Bathtub

The elbow from my bathtub overflow pipe to the overflow hole in my bathtub is missing. I have no access behind or from below my tub. I have been searching the net for solutions before tearing up my ...
Sheila's user avatar
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Cannot get to the screw behind disconnect switch

I'm trying to unscrew what "seems" to be (I'm not an expert) a heat pump disconnect switch. I don't know the function of this box. It's also connected to the furnace (see pictures). Box is ...
Patrick's user avatar
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How shallow can a basement be for an accessory dwelling unit (ADU)

I'm looking to build an ADU with a habitable basement and keep it classified as single story. Single story maximum height is 18' where I live (San Jose, CA). Additionally, basements must have an ...
Luke Peterson's user avatar
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Attic access in closet- reconfigure options (Canada)

I have a narrow bathroom and this is because the builtin closet of the adjacent room takes space from the bathroom. I am planning to remove the walls that separate the bathroom from the closet in ...
MiniMe's user avatar
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Get phone signal where there's no signal

I have a tiny house between two hills, in a mountain area. For few weeks I've been searching how to get phone signal there. There are two problems: there is no electricity the hills are blocking the ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
4 votes
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Do Tamper resistant receptacles violate ADA barrier-free requirements?

We are intending to build our home ADA barrier-free compliant, part of which has always been making sure people with limited mobility can reach all receptacles to plug things in, and also imposes ...
C.A.Snyder's user avatar
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Is it NEC-compliant to place a GFCI or AFCI receptacle or deadfront device in a location not readily reachable?

NEC 240.24 requires overcurrent devices (fuses/breakers, incl. AFCI/GFCI/DFCI breakers) to be placed so that their operating means is no more than 6'7" off the ground under most circumstances, and ...
ThreePhaseEel's user avatar
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3-inch recessed lighting junction access

I am looking to install 3-inch recessed lighting in room under living areas. I have the ceiling down so I am using a new-work kit with rails and a pan. The lights are sold as remodeling and the rest ...
JimmyJames's user avatar
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How would I go about building a movable-arm keyboard & mouse tray? [closed]

Strain injuries are the blight of the programmer. I've just ordered an ergonomic desk chair. However, if I am sitting back with my keyboard/mouse on my desk, I think this is going to still cause ...
P i's user avatar
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How can you open the top part of a double-hung window when you are old and short?

How can you open the top of a double-hung window when you are short and elderly? I have air conditioners on the bottom of the windows, but I would like some fresh air on cool days. I am in no shape ...
arleen szczypinski's user avatar