I need to match some siding on my house that is a modular home built in 1993. The best I could come up with is reverse board and batten siding with 12 inch on-centers. It doesn't feel like wood, nor vinyl. My guess then is that it is cement? Unfortunately, I also lost the paper/certificate that shows information on the house such as by who and where it was built.
I've found a few wood-based products online at Lowes and Home depot that seem to match. However, none of them are in stock in any store or online. Also, 12" on-center siding doesn't seem to be much available anymore as 6" and 8" seem more popular. Here is what I've found from Lowes and something similar from Home Depot (I lack the stackexchange reputation to post another link).
Is there a name for this siding so I can better find its availability around town? If not, does anyone know the name/type of siding that closest matches this?