I have a Subpanel in an outbuilding. I've got two hots, a neutral, and a ground going back to the main. I want to install a GFI breaker at the Subpanel and use one of the hots. Do I need to run a separate neutral for the GFI breaker or am I okay using the one neutral for the GFI breaker and the the non-GFI breaker? Please help.
2 Answers
Hook up the GFCI in the usual way, entirely inside the sub-panel.
That is to say, hook the GFCI's pigtail to the neutral bus on the sub-panel, then wire hot and neutral from that circuit into the GFCI breaker. Do not connect the GFCI's pigtail to the ground bus on the sub-panel (even if that's what you normally do in the main panel). Do not run a separate neutral back to the main panel.
You run a single neutral in this case. A GFCI doesn't care about what's on the line side of it.