So I've been redoing my window sills. Basically I smashed out tile sills and replaced with routered wood sills. There are maybe 15 in the house. I have not had time yet to prime any of them, so for the last 5 months they've been exposed wood.
Recently I noticed a foul smelling odor in my master bedroom. After some investigation I realized it was coming from the wooden window sill closest to my bed. I figured that something died in the wall so I called a pest control guy; he assured me nothing dead is happening and the smell is not decaying animal. He also went under the house to confirm (off grade home).
Thinking that the smell may be coming from outside, last weekend I caulked the sills in the master bedroom to seal the open air between the sill and wall. The smell remains, and seems to be directly on the one wooden sill (but no others).
The best way that I can describe the smell is a sneeze when you have a sinus infection. It smells a bit like death and is musty, and it is playing all hell with my allergies.
I'm thinking about priming the sills tonight to see if that helps, but can anyone tell me what is going on here?