Yesterday, I bought some piping at Home Depot for my french drain project. The solid pipe looked good with the proper alignment of holes. However, I needed flexible piping due to the nature of my project so I got a 4" corrugated pipe. The issue is, the corrugated pipe I bought has holes all around its radius.
I am some what concerned because I know that there are supposed to be two hole near the bottom, but having holes facing up is not recommended.
Will having holes facing up (as well as down) cause me issues such as clogs and soil erosion?
Also, I've seen conflicting messages on whether I should wrap the pipe in a mesh, any opinions on that?
Additional Details:
*Will be a shallow pipe as I just need to redirect surface flow.
*The pipe will run a short length: <20'
*I am planning on using crushed rock on the bottom/sides