I'm contemplating installing resilient channel and in the ceiling, my understanding is that drywall is hung perpendicular to the floor joists above. When resilient channel is installed, it runs perpendicular too, so then does the drywall get re-oriented to be perpendicular to the channel (and thus parallel to the joists)?
This video: https://youtu.be/-IfYuNnRLgU?t=3m35s
Suggests that the drywall is still run oriented the way it would be if it were just hung to the joists, so it runs down the channel, but I feel like I read somewhere that it's supposed to be run crossing the channel. This would actually be a benefit for me, because in that ("new") orientation, single sheets would fit across the room.
When looking at installation instructions for the channel, the "example" pictures conveniently include a square piece of drywall.