Every year I do Christmas lights I run into the same issue over and over...and I'm just tired of it! :(...It's probably due to the fact that I am electricity stupid - I just don't know enough about electricity to know why this is happening. In any event I cannot understand how others deck their entire house, bushes, and every other thing on their lot with lights and I cannot seem to do the basics.
Here's my issue...I've got non led (I know I should invest in getting LED but I haven't yet) Christmas lights in the form of nets, which are basically the same as just the string of lights however they come in the form or shape of say a checker board all tied together. I also have just some regular lights...all in all we are talking about 30-40 lights across my bushes and in my trees.
I have one of those devices that come with a remote that allow you to sit in your house and press a number (1-3) to turn on the bulbs. Great so I start by placing the item number 1 "Remote Control Plug" into my main outdoor electrical socket, that way I can hook up a surge protector directly to it allowing me to simply press my #1 remote and all turns on. Fine, I add about 3-4 extension cords to my surge protector each piggy backing about 3-5 light sets. This is a GFCI outlet by the way that goes back to my basement. Then I take another remote control plug and place it in another electrical outlet in my garage (#2 this time) that way all I have to do is press 1 then press 2 and bam all my lights go on.
I run a heavy duty extension cord (pretty thick) from my garage under the garage door back outside to about 5 lights that piggy back each other, as well as another extension cord to support 3-4 more. Note this one doesnt have a surge protector as I dont really need one here.
Great 2-3 hours later I am done and I turn on my lights an all looks well...go back inside and within 10-15 minutes I'll look outside and either #1's set are all turned off or sometimes #2's sets are all turned off, other times both. I havent blown any fuses and I Dont even have to look at my circuit box. Sometimes the reset in my surge protector has been suddenly clicked off, forcing me to turn it off and back on and the lights go on again. Other times I Just use my remote and turn them back on...
Am I just using too many lights? I decided to head over to home depot and the representative tells me ahh I know your issue. Get rid of #1 and #2 and plug your surge directly to your outlet for one, and plug your heavy duty extension cord to your garage outlet for #2. This eliminates the cool I am inside a warm toasty house and can turn on the christmas lights from my house. I thought fine Ill open my front door and flip the switch to turn on my power strip, then Ill go to the garage and plug in my heavy duty extension cord and all is well. Within 10 - 15 minutes again they are off with the power supply reset switched flipped off again!
So that doesn't appear to help...what gives and what can I do to keep my house blinging with christmas lights?