In our new house the master bedroom is on the upper level and has a chimney running through the room from the living room below. It's painted brick and all 4 sides are exposed (you can walk around it). We thought it might be a good idea to mount a tv on it so we can see it from our bed.
We haven't committed to anything yet. It will likely be a smaller TV especially since, unfortunately, it's the narrow side of the chimney that faces us. The fireplace in the living room is bricked up and simply decorative now, but I believe the water heater and the furnace may still be vented into this chimney. The house was build in the 1920's and I assume the chimney has always been there.
What would be a good way to mount a TV in such a situation? I'm a little leery of drilling into the chimney and was wonder if there is something that would wrap around it to support the TV. We will run cables down from the ceiling.