I just bought a 3-way dimmer switch for the kitchen. There are only two switches that switch the overhead lights. I went to take off one of them to install the dimmer and the switch had 5 wires (2 red, 2 black and a ground) hooked up to it. That would imply to me that it's a 4-way switch, but there's only two switches. What gives?
I solved the mystery. There was a 3rd switch that was hidden behind a wine rack. The electrician that installed stuff in my house must haven been on crack when he put stuff in (My brother-in-law who is an electrician said "He must have been a real @#%#% because there's no reason your wiring should be laid out like this"). The electrician put in 3 separate gang boxes (not a 3-gang box, 3 separate boxes) for switches - one above, one below and one two studs over. Honestly I'm surprised that it passes code because it controls the over head lights to the room.