I am troubleshooting some spontaneous and inexplicable water pressure issues. Overnight, without anything jumping out as obvious, our water pressure has dropped from "good/steady" to "barely existent".
First, I need to figure out whether the water pressure coming into the house is good or bad; that will rule a lot of things out. I was told that I need to:
...figure out if any water is available before [my] main shut-off valve. If so check the water pressure there.
However I'm not all that familiar with what tools/methods are available to me to make this assessment. I know where water leaves my house (it's a 4- or 5-inch thick pipe down in my basement). But I'm not sure where water is entering my house, and even then, how to check the pressure before the water gets to this "shut off" valve.
Any ideas as to how I can:
- Identify where water is entering my house; and
- How to test the pressure prior to this shut-off valve? Tools? Methods? Caveats/gotchyas?