I've just added a new garage and bedroom and am about to wire them. I've done a lot of wiring in my house, know all the basic requirements for how wiring is run, etc, never had a problem with inspection. But I've never done a garage or bedroom. I also haven't carefully explored which circuit I can easily splice into yet. I want to check the following assumptions.
Garage: going to splice into a circuit that has some outlets elsewhere. I will wire for 20A but use 15A outlets.
- One circuit in garage for outlets, wired for 20A, GFCI'ed, shared with other power in some other rooms at my discretion. I will make sure I'm not worried about so much shared that I will blow the circuit using power tools in the garage.
- Garage lighting to be run at 15A, most likely shared with some other lighting circuits in the house.
- Bedroom: Is it the case that I need an AFCI circuit breaker for any circuit (including lights and outlets) in the bedroom?
- Is is allowed to shared the circuits in the bedroom with the garage? Is it a bad idea to have the garage AFCI'ed and GFCI'ed?