I've pulled together a few spare parts that i've had laying about for ages now and I finally have a bit of time to try do something with them.
I've got a solar panel which puts out ~22vDC @ ~2Amps when its in decent sunlight, and i've got a 12vDC lead-acid car battery which i pulled out of my old car.
My plan is to hook up the solar panel to charge the battery and to have the system power a small Raspberry Pi computer 24/7 (assuming the battery lasts) which should draw no more than approx 10W.
I've seen some videos which make it look like all you need is a simple inverter and to plug the solar panel straight onto the battery, but I was under the impression you need a charging circuit to make sure you don't damage the battery?
Are there any detailed guides to doing this available or does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about doing this?