I am replacing outlets in one of the bedrooms of a house in the north eastern USA. The replacement outlets are Lutron Claro 15A types with 2 bass screws, 2 silver screws, and a single green ground screw. The original outlets are 15A with the "backwire" style of connectors for hot and neutral sides (allowing them to carry up to four hot/neutral wires I believe).
The first outlet I replaced had 2 hot and 2 neutral wires, along with a ground pigtail. This replacement was easy and mapped directly to the Lutron outlet.
The second outlet has 3 hot and 3 neutral wires, along with a ground pigtail. For this one, can I pigtail/"combine" 2 hot -> 1 hot and 2 neutral -> 1 neutral, then connect the pigtailed ends to a brass screw and silver screw respectively? I have some Wago 221 3-way lever nuts from Home Depot - are these ok to use for this purpose?
Finally, the third outlet tested bad with the outlet tester - hot and neutral were reversed. This outlet has the bottom "plug" controlled by the single light switch (no overhead lights in this room) in the room. When I opened the outlet I confirmed the wiring is backwards (hot on silver side, neutral on brass side). This outlet also has the tab broken on the neutral side - with 2 black hot going into the top and 1 red hot going into the bottom. There are two neutrals again and a ground pigtail. For this outlet I wanted to confirm proper operation first, so I took the first original outlet I had replaced, broke the tab on the brass side and connected the wires as follows:
- 2 black hot wires into top brass side
- 1 red hot wire into bottom brass side
- 1 neutral into top silver side
- 1 neutral into bottom silver side
- ground pigtail to green screw
Is that the proper way to wire this outlet? The outlet tester tested fine - both with the switch on and off (as expected - when the switch is off the lower plug is not powered). When I replace this with a Lutron outlet - do I just need to pigtail the two black hot wires? Since there are only two neutrals and I have two silver screws on the Lutron outlet I don't think I can pigtail these.