Two days ago and previously the sink worked properly. Yesterday I noticed it was continuing to drain after a flush [through the drain pipe in purple]. The reason is that the actuator [in red] does not get lifted/float properly. A "fix" [but needed after every flush] is to simply lift the actuator [pictured in purple ] a little and let go.

enter image description here

This problem does not seem to be addressable via that screw on the actuator. Instead maybe some part of the broader mechanism is a little 'tight', causing the actuator/float to stick? What can be done to fix this: is there any cleaning or adjustment? If not what should I replace?

Update. I have found a more specific "fix" to this. The cylindrical black portion of the float gets "stuck". If I bump it to unstick it the actuator arm lifts up as well and then the draining stops. I did add a small shim to ensure the black piece were not contacting the back of the sink bowl (it was..). but surprisingly that did not make a difference

enter image description here

  • The float may get stuck if you have hard water deposits. It's worth wiping it down with a little vinegar to see if it helps. Commented Aug 10 at 23:08

2 Answers 2


screw in the thing that stops water flow so it turns off before it reaches the overflow.

  • I will take a look at that but suspect that is not the issue. Please see my update to the question. Actually that worked, but with more effort than expected . I will provide a side note to explain. Commented Aug 9 at 18:08

This "answer" is actually a further explanation of the one from @TigerGuy that I just accepted. Yes the answer was to turn the screw. I had not done it earlier because the screw was jumping around on the top where the head is and at the bottom where it meets the thread. [Note: the thread is not visible since I was unable to get a good exposure photo. It is inside the red rectangle].

So I was initially unable to understand whether the screw were simply broken. The answer from @TigerGuy made me more insistent to get the screw to work.

enter image description here

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