Two days ago and previously the sink worked properly. Yesterday I noticed it was continuing to drain after a flush [through the drain pipe in purple]. The reason is that the actuator [in red] does not get lifted/float properly. A "fix" [but needed after every flush] is to simply lift the actuator [pictured in purple ] a little and let go.
This problem does not seem to be addressable via that screw on the actuator. Instead maybe some part of the broader mechanism is a little 'tight', causing the actuator/float to stick? What can be done to fix this: is there any cleaning or adjustment? If not what should I replace?
Update. I have found a more specific "fix" to this. The cylindrical black portion of the float gets "stuck". If I bump it to unstick it the actuator arm lifts up as well and then the draining stops. I did add a small shim to ensure the black piece were not contacting the back of the sink bowl (it was..). but surprisingly that did not make a difference