Currently living in an old New York City apartment and our 30 amp breaker keeps tripping. I called in the electrician and he did a voltage test. He said that we were using too many appliances. My roommates seem to have a lot of / some pretty large appliances plugged in, so I'm guessing that's the reason. However I want to make sure that the appliances we have on should be enough to trip them, so I'm asking here. The apartment is about 1,100 square feet. Also, apologies if I'm giving the wrong unit. I don't know electrical work very well at all.
The box for the apartment is rated for 125 amps.
They 12,000 BTU air conditioners in rated at 9.7 amps in each of their rooms. They're both set on temperature controls, so they continuously cycle and power off and on. One also has a minifridge going that's rated at about 1 amp, and our main fridge in the living room is rated at 1.2 amps. My AC is is rated at 5,000 BTUs (4.5 amps). We also have various smaller appliances (kettle, small microwave, etc...), but they're not on continuously and they don't trip the breaker when I turn them on (though the vaccum does, but not in my room it seems). They also both have air purifiers going.
It's been incredibly hot recently so the AC's are working hard. I'm guessing that their overkill air conditioners are cycling on and off to keep the temperature consistent in their and when they both cycle on at the same time, the power draw spikes up. That, plus mine running consistently trips the breaker.
Would that be enough to do it, or is there something more serious up? It's tripped twice today and I'm tired of having to go flip it again and again. And if that's not enough to do it what could it be? Faulty wiring? Someone else stealing our power?