I mounted this with the anchors that came with the articulating wall mount that's rated for this TV, but I noticed they started sliding out of the holes after about an hour.

TV Mounted Still

enter image description here

Anchors Pulled Out


What are some anchors I can use that 100% guarantee that this won't happen again? Ideally they would still be removable solutions, but if that sacrifices safety then I'm willing to use a more permanent anchor. Any professionals here that do this all of the time?

My first thought is to obviously add a lot more holes and use thicker bolts. Are knurled steel anchors a better way to go with this setup?


Edit: This is very thick limestone, not a facade. Each hole took about 15-20 minutes to drill. It's a metal fireplace that is enclosed in stone. There is a ~5" wall on each side that aligns with the center and the limestone sticks out about 10"-12" on each side.

  • Do you know how thick the stone is? If it’s thin, do you know what’s behind it? Without that information, everybody is reduced to guesses that might end badly. Commented Jul 9 at 13:24
  • Plastic anchors are not suitable for this purpose. I'm wondering if lag anchors would be better. Or maybe the stone is too friable.
    – Huesmann
    Commented Jul 9 at 13:56
  • @AloysiusDefenestrate This is very thick limestone, not a facade. Each hole took about 15-20 minutes to drill. It's a metal fireplace that is enclosed in stone. There is a ~5" wall on each side that aligns with the center and the limestone sticks out about 10"-12" on each side. There is no way to drill through and bolt it to the other side of the stone, which I think is what you're hinting at.
    – Brad T
    Commented Jul 11 at 0:47
  • How deep are the holes you drilled? How long are the anchors and how long are the screws that pulled out? Commented Jul 16 at 10:14

2 Answers 2


the anchors you are using are not suited for limestone, as you can see they did not even open as they should. the limestone is probably 1/2 or 3/4 inch thick, and the anchor has not grip

you will have better luck with the Premium Zinc Plated Carbon Steel Knurled Drop in Anchor but those might be to long

  • Yeah, I picked random ones just for reference. Definitely not the size I need. Thank you. Are knurled the best approach though?
    – Brad T
    Commented Jul 9 at 14:06

I would use lead anchors due to the stone and with the load the anchors will be under. I have used lead anchors for this type of application several times with no issues, they tend to conform to the hole that's drilled and allows for some flexibility with no worry of anchor pulling out of the stone. I would also use a little dab of some kind of strong adhesive to give you peace of mind if you're using a tilt or cantilever mount. I hope this helps and it's not permanent so if you decide to take it down just drill out the lead a patch holes accordingly

  • 1
    Lead is soft enough to not fracture the limestone, but has a high enough coefficient of friction that the anchor fully resists the pull-out force of the load. Possibly some types of plastic anchor might perform as well as lead, but other types of plastic anchor would slip out. Commented Jul 16 at 10:07
  • You said it better than I could Jim Stewart.
    – Paleface
    Commented Jul 16 at 10:14
  • So basically these guys? Hillman Fastener 370249 Lead Anchor, 10-14x1-1/2 a.co/d/bNepuMo. I need a 10mm x 60mm version.
    – Brad T
    Commented Jul 26 at 5:28
  • They will do the job.
    – Paleface
    Commented Jul 31 at 17:48

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