I will be installing a 100A subpanel in a detached garage. 100A for an EV charger and shop tools, and future proofing for a potential laneway house conversion.
The garage is relatively close at just 16 feet from the house, and the main panel is 80ft away on the other side of the house. Preference is to run the line above ground outside, rather than bury the cable. I have reviewed wire size and amp ratings, conduit fill tables and local codes, and think I have the solution. My natural tendency is to "over spec" things, and so I'm curious what those with hands on experience would say about the setup, and if there is any room to optimize cost with alternatives? Here's the current plan:
- 100A Double Pole breaker from main panel
- Aluminum 1/0 SER / USE (80ft, whatever jacketed wire is cheapest)
- Junction box just inside house
- Splice to outdoor run, Aluminum 1/0 R90XPLE, THWN-2, USE-2 / RHW-2 / UF-B inside conduit (16ft, whatever type of wire is cheapest)
- Conduit schedule 80 PVC 2" to garage, bolted to fence
- 100A subpanel, bonded to ground with secondary ground stake
All subpanel cabling will be in a 2 hot, 1 neutral, 1 ground configuration.
The things I am contemplating to make things more cost effective:
- Downgrade from 1/0 to #1 AWG
- For the inside section, switch to XHHW-2 / THHN / THWN-2 wire in conduit, or NB-B CCA cable instead of SER or USE cable (TBH, I'm not sure if this will be cheaper!)