My mother in law's home basement has mold, moisture, and leaks. There was an add on about 3 decades ago to the house in the basement and ground level, the outside walls of the basement weren't sealed fully only sprayed with an antidampness thing. Also the sump pump on that side hasn't been working properly and drains outside just next to the house rather than connected to a sewer (that's what I could get out of a consultation).
A company will come out to do all the sealing but they said they're not covered by insurance to seal walls/fix pump and they want 19k. I don't think my MIL did multiple consultations, this is the company that worked on the other side of the home 30yrs ago so that's who she went with. MIL already filed an insurance claim for water leaking into the basement & got money to hire people or renovate prior to knowing about the pump and sealing issues. So any of that money basically went to the 19k and we'll be doing the mold remediation.
The current repair people basically said there's a crack in the wall (even if we can't see a visible crack) and water gets in. From what l've read, it sounds like mold remediation is extensive? My MIL, partner, and I have no experience. We can put up drywall, paint, and simple things but no real contractor experience. My MIL believes that we'll just have to remove the insulation& drywall and replace it. I don't believe it'll be that simple, is this realistically something three inexperienced people can accomplish and not make matters worse? I'm also concerned about a leak upstairs in a breezeway that has accumulated mold... won't those mold spores just spread back to the basement if this isn't done properly.
My MIL is even less informed than me, at one point we started pulling out drywall... and just worked with no fans, no real masks, no one even considered that we're disrupting the mold and potentially spreading spores. I had no idea you were supposed to be using an air scrubber and many more things... Is this something we could do realistically, maybe with more proper research?