Someone dropped a hard object on the porcelain tile slab floor in our new house, chipping the tile and causing a hairline crack to open that runs to the edge of the tile slab on one side of the chip and about 12" on the other side before closing up. The crack can be felt with a fingertip, implying that stresses within the slab are causing one side to lift slightly. The substrate is Schluter DUTRA-HEAT mat.
The porcelain slab in question is 47" x 110", much too large to replace in its entirety. So I am looking for suggestions on the best adhesive to use to stabilize the crack and prevent it from opening further due to footstep pressure. I asked the tile manufacturer, who suggested an epoxy grout. That is fine for the chip, but the epoxy is much too thick to wick into the hairline crack.
Any input would be much appreciated.